Syncware Product Update: September 1st, 2023

September 6, 2023
3 mins
Syncware Product Update: September 1st, 2023

Here are the latest Syncware product updates released on September 1st: 

Existing integration SOS Inventory updated with added workflows:

Orders <-> Syncware
Sales Receipts <- Syncware
Shipments -> Syncware

New features added and bug fixes to existing integrations: 

  • AIMS360: Field mapping adjustment to account for "one size" size in Order sync
  • Brandwise: New field mappings for SKU blocking and whitelist in Product sync
  • Infoplus: Adjusted field mapping so available quantity maps to Available Inventory field in Order sync
  • Mercury Commerce: New feature to enable inventory offsets in Inventory sync
  • QuickBooks (Desktop): Added feature to force re-sync and clean data import lists
  • Quickbooks (Desktop): Fixed UOM (unit of measure) conversion for non-inventory items in Order sync
  • Repzio: Improved error logs in Order sync for self-service diagnosis
  • Salesforce: New feature to support UOM (unit of measure) conversion on Opportunities
  • Salesforce: New field mapping for custom payout and processing fees on Opportunities
  • Salesforce: New feature to force re-sync data import lists (Products, Customers, Shipping Methods, etc.)
  • Shipstation: Added logic to validate and calculate the order subtotal when incorrect values are passed
  • Shopify: Added error and update logic in Order sync when an order contains an invalid customer email address

Enhanced EDI capabilities:

  • EANCOM: New EDI format and admin console available for trading D.96A documents:
    Orders (ORDERS)
    Shipment Notice (DESADV)
    Invoice (INVOICE)
  • Recently launched EDI connection to retail chain: LBMX
  • Added kitting feature to 850 (Purchase Order) documents

Updates and bug fixes to Product UI/UX:

  • Improved error display on invalid login attempts
  • Smoother user experience for Order, Customer, Invoice, and Product browsing without reloads or scrolling

Read our previous Product Update from August 18. Follow us on LinkedIn to get these Product Updates in your newsfeeds.

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