We are excited to announce a new integration with Salesorder!
The following workflows are supported in Phase 1 of this release:
- Importing and Exporting Orders (Salesorder <-> Syncware)
- Importing and Exporting Inventory (Salesorder <-> Syncware)
- Importing and Exporting Products (Salesorder <-> Syncware)
- Importing Customers (Salesorder -> Syncware)
- Importing Shipments (Salesorder -> Syncware)

This integration includes several powerful “Beyond the Sync” configurations including:
- The ability to manipulate inventory through inventory offsets, inventory minimums, and aggregating inventory from multiple sites/locations within Salesorder.
- Filters for product uploads that allow uploading products based on tags and/or SKUs.

For more details on integrating with Salesorder, please see this article.
Coming soon in Phase 2 of this release will be additional workflows including Quotes, Purchase Orders, Invoices, and Cash Sales.
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